Wednesday, October 26, 2011

If Life is a Gift, Why Are WeThrowing it Out With the Trash?

The other night my wife, our eldest daughter DeAnna and our youngest daughter Rebecca and I traveled over to the Twin Cities to attend a Human Life Alliance dinner.  This is the second one we've attended as our dear friends, Brent and Julie Niccum are sponsors and heavily involved in this life saving and life altering ministry.   If you haven't figured it out yet, HLA is an organization that devotes all it's time and resources to one of the most polarizing and divisive subjects in America today, abortion.  Through a lot of volunteer effort, tireless and dedicated staff, endless fundraising and training brave souls who often face scorn and persecution for standing in the gap, they have reached over 177 million people with their message of hope and life!  They have saved countless young girls and women from the heartache of abortion and the psychological and collateral damage it causes to their lives.  But most of all, they have saved thousands of innocent children who had no voice, no protector and no hope.  They do this all out of love and compassion for their fellow human beings.  These heroes don't get paid millions of dollars and nor are they adored by millions of people.  They simply stand for Christ, in the belief that life is precious and God given.  It is He who ordains it, creates it and establishes the priceless worth of His children.  Therefore, we are to steward those lives and cherish them as our own.
  I am well aware that this is not a subject people want to talk about often, but the tragedy of nearly 50 million babies aborted since the supreme court ruling on Roe Vs Wade in 1973 is beyond shocking.  That is a rate of nearly 3,000 per day or to put it into perspective, it's like living through 9/11 every day of your life!   You can check these statistics at the National Right To Life website or fact check them yourself.  By the way, I am not speaking as one who does not empathize with those who have gone through this painful ordeal.  Nor am I unsympathetic or judgmental.  Quite the contrary, I am moved to tears and have great compassion for those mothers, fathers and most of all children who have paid for their mistakes with lifetimes of anguish or lost their lives .  As the father of five beautiful children I can tell you that the thought of not having one of these gifts from God is beyond my comprehension.  My wife and I have been blessed many times over with our family and thank God every day no matter what the circumstances have been for these children of ours.  I am sure that I speak for many of you parents as well.  Children complete our lives.  They are the hope of our future and God's legacy to our time here.  How can we be doing this?  How does this happen each day and what damage have we or continue to be doing to our world.  We have systematically allowed the degradation, sanitizing and liberalizing of our values and morals in this country to the point of tragic consequence.  Look around you and our country, government, schools, churches, media, and overall society all reflect a growing apathy for our constitution it's laws and meanings and Loving Creator.  What was once reprehensible in this country is now considered progressive or socially conducive to a more tolerant lifestyle.  What amazes me is what we will tolerate nowadays as normal and acceptable behavior.   Folks, we are paying a heavy price for this tragic mistake.  Oh, I know that secular scientists and humanists will give you data all day long about running out of resources, food and the means to take care of our species.  How we are reducing our quality of life by placing unsustainable burdens on our societies for the care of all these potentially unwanted or unintended  children.  How they would be better off not being born then being born into their circumstances.  The list of rationale can go on and on.  But let me ask you this?  What if your mom and dad were of the same mindset as these people.  What if they only thought of themselves or were influenced to think in that manner?  Would you be here?  Would you have had your life, opportunities or families of your own?  Better yet if the secular geniuses are so smart they should realize in their haste to endorse this infanticide they are destroying their own mandates of self preservation.  Maybe we have already missed the cure for cancer or the next great statesman or the inventor of new fuels or great theologian or teacher.  I guess we'll never know how blessed we could have been but God knows.  He sees, He weeps, He laments.  But He takes them home and loves them when we didn't.   This is not about a person's right to choose, God already gave us that when He bestowed free will upon us.  This is about the gift of life, designed of the Highest Order for the most noble of purposes.  In our Declaration of Independence it states that we're endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights.  They are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  I believe that the word life means quite literally the ability to have one first.

Psalm 139 13:14
13 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.

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