I so look forward to the 4th of July every year! First of all it's my birthday, which makes it extraordinarily easy to remember, hint hint! ;) Secondly, and most importantly it's the one national holiday that so exemplifies the true spirit of American patriotism. That selfless and brave act of forging and signing the Declaration of Independence 235 years ago by 56 men who committed their "lives, honor and sacred fortunes", stands as one of the defining moments of this, the greatest country in the world. It set the precedence that we are truly exceptional and what we stand for in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is without peer in this world of ours. As I write this being puffed up with pride as one of Uncle Sam's nephews, I am reminded every day now that it seems we are under assault in this country. Not from enemies outside but within our own walls. People and groups who through the loose moral and unlawful interpretation of our Constitution, are eroding the principles that our founding fathers and over 1.35 million brave men and women so dearly paid for.
There isn't a day where I get up and read or see on TV a story about somebody being told to take down their flag, the removal of the Pledge of Allegiance from another school, the removal of God from prayers in our national cemeteries by veterans there to worship, and countless other assaults against our fully protected rights and privileges. Now, I told you all when I started this blog that I would honor our Lord in all that I postulate here. But I am fully angry and fed up! What has made us so wonderful and privileged to live in our country is now threatening to destroy us. We are at a dangerous tipping point because we have decided to accept and tolerate the undermining of our God given foundation and laws! Under the guise of political correctness we have gone off the deep end completely! Just yesterday a report came out that two Harvard professors wrote about the 4th of July. The article states that among other subjects that the celebration of the holiday is a Republican bastion for recruitment and literally is used as a brain washing instrument. They even recommended that you should avoid such revelry if you don't want to be immersed in over the top patriotism! The fact that this article even has relevance is a sad commentary on our higher learning institutions and the hiring of such biased individuals.
OK, enough ranting already. In all seriousness, this influential and growing wave of toxicity towards God, country and freedom has to stop! We all enjoy the blessings of this land and to stand by and watch this continue in a state of absolute apathy will do permanent harm! To remove the Sovereign Creator and the laws and statutes He inspired in the creation of America will be a sin of unimaginable consequence to us all. So, I urge you to get involved and care. Stand up for all we hold dear so as to ensure the passing of this most sacred legacy to our children and grandchildren. Jesus warned of the heresy and influence of religious and government leaders who put their own selfish needs and agendas ahead of the needs of the people. Remember, just to enjoy this great holiday is a privilege itself. Make sure we don't' lose it too!! God Bless you and yours this 4th of July and God Bless America forever!!
Psalm 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance.
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