I was watching TV recently and a commercial came on about a new revolutionary medicine to treat some chronic ailment that seems to be the latest malady to afflict us humans. I forget the the drugs name or even the condition it was designed for but no matter, the side effects of the medicine were enough to send me running out of the room! Yikes!!! Between the nosebleeds, constipation, heart palpitations, chronic baldness and ingrown toenails, I was better off having the medical problem to begin with. It was pathetically hilarious and ridiculously sad at the same time. But it sort of reminded me about the state of our fallen condition we daily face outside the grace of God.
Too often we want to take a quick fix for what ails us. Take two pills and see me in the morning. What bothers us will all go away magically in a few days. Now, I am not trying to be a cynic of doctors or the drugs and treatments out there for treating us when we are ill. After all they have skills and abilities gifted by God and we should all be grateful for modern medicine today. I am talking about a condition of our spirit which so often hinders our physical healing as to cause all kinds of unnecessary distress. It's so common that I firmly believe it's a root cause of family problems, marital issues, friendships and business relationships. Put simply it's an unforgiving heart!
Whatever gets us to the point of alienating people we profess to care so much about too often becomes the controlling factor of our thoughts and emotions. It's so easy to harbor the bitterness and disappointments of situations or circumstances past that have angered us because we feel that we are right. And we all want to be right , don't we? The devil would like us to keep thinking this but Jesus talked very often about our own issues as judges and condemners of other people. He warned us to be careful about taking positions of righteousness and piety when we are lovers of hypocrisy ourselves. Matthew 7:5 says,
"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." In other words, fix your own heart before you go around advising others. I know this has been an issue for me personally in the past. It wasn't put aside until I surrendered to a Grace much bigger than I had. So I make it a point to practice the lost art of forgiveness when I have the opportunity. And I have to tell you, it's not easy folks! Surrendering your sovereignty over your own emotions and decisions to a Holy God takes work. Lot's of work!! But the rewards and freedoms He gives your spirit and attitude are truly transforming. The three simple words of "I forgive you", cast aside all differences. They melt years of pent up anger and feelings. Heck, many times after the tears and hugs we often realize the mole hill that became a mountain was ridiculous to begin with. The bible say that our lives are but a vapor. We don't have a lot of time here so we need to make it count. Living for Christ is the only way to live abundantly in this short time we are gifted with. I have seen my life change dramatically in my walk with the Lord. I am a better husband, father, son and person to those I know and love. Practice this lost art and watch the flowers grow where weeds once flourished. Mend your fences and you will mend your heart!
Matthew 6:14-15 ESV For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
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