Friday, June 10, 2011

America has a heart problem

I get a kick out of the many news reports each day of the condition of our country.  The condition of the economy, the congress, the deficit, the wars in Irag and Afghanistan, the housing and job markets, the many natural disasters that seem to be occurring more frequently and any other relevant or irrelevant topics people seemingly need to report about.  Between the internet, TV,  talk radio and our cell phone we can stay in touch with all this great news 24 hours a day.  We can be informed. Stay up to date.  Have our bit ready for the water cooler.  Eager to pass along the misery that seems to all at once both captivate and dominate our days.
  I am often amused to a degree about the things I overhear while in line at the local Walmart.  It seems almost every story you hear past the usual superficial pleasantries tends to devolve into a "did you hear about story."  Rife with sordid details about someone else's misfortune or tragedy.  Now mind you, I am not hear to espouse about the commonplace occurrences of our day to day lives.  Gossip needs no endorsement from me to fuel it's own fire.  Rather, I am just making an observation that all of us know and hear and talk about each day as we hurry along.   A famous news producer once said that "Nobody tunes in to hear about all the money raised at the local church bake sale."
  Sad but true!  But we want to be happy, don't we?  We want to smile more, laugh more, enjoy more, relate to others more fully and be bringers of good news, don't we?   Then why is it we focus so much time and energy on what's wrong or bad or sad?  I thought about this for awhile then took a look at my own life.  I found that in my journey I have had many of these same attributes that are mentioned here.  Too often, my countenance or attitude were determined by outside influences or conditions that were out of my control.  Being bombarded 24/7 by negativity without adequate resource to combat it will transform the stoutest of optimists after time.  It's just inevitable.  Until, one day not so long ago I met Jesus on my walk of life.  Funny, as I seldom noticed before but it always seemed that He was there.  Not a mile or two ahead or behind but always right there.  Now mind you, I never paid much attention to this most Pleasant Pest.  I didn't have time.  I was too busy being me.  But He sure did pay attention to me!   He finally got tired of my complaining and grumbling and He flat out told me I have a heart problem.  A heart problem?  No way!!  Yes, He said and you need surgery.  You need spiritual surgery!  And right now!
  Well through the next few weeks I faced the most intense physical trials and heartfelt anguish I had ever gone through.   I'll save this story for another day.  Old demons were battled and put away.  Transforming love and healing swept over me and fundamentally changed me.  Released from my past anger and disappointments I felt new.  Not tummy tuck, botox, face lift, hair transplant new!  But new from the inside.  A joy and peace I had never had before.  It was as if I was laboring and just enduring my life 's journey before but now could could breathe and see and experience without my past burden's.  My load was taken away by the Lord who had been knocking at the door of my heart for a long time.  My surgery was successful.  So, I am now a staunch advocate for just such checkups and if needed the necessary surgery.  No worries though folks, as He's the most gifted and able surgeon of all.  All this comes down to my one big point.  America has a heart problem!  And it starts with each of us.  If we want to fundamentally see our country restored.  Our ideals and values and prosperity come back, then you need to call on the Great Physician!  For if we all change individually for Him we will then change collectively too.  Heart surgery is our countries only hope.  Get your checkup and watch what healing will do for you!!

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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