Is it me? Am I overly sensitive? Are there just too many media outlet sources reporting the world's news 24/7, and am I just paying attention to all the misery too much? Or does it seem that we are losing our tenuous grip on this world of ours? It sure seems that way to me. Granted news reports come to us much quicker nowadays. Bad news is bad news and we have always had it. TV systems have literally thousands of channels. We can tweet, YouTube, Facebook, email, text and video anything to anybody around the world in minutes! That is astonishing to say the least. So it's quite natural that we should suffer from sensory overload. The bombardment of news is endless and the vast majority is tragic and sad.
I have a theory on this and here it goes. The vast majority of news is sad and tragic because it is. There you go! Brilliance in it's simplicity. Years of research by my vastly superior intellect (lol) has revealed this to me. Now I'll tell you what causes all this, free will. That's right the greatest attribute of our complex makeup we humans have been given has become our biggest curse. The source of our worst problems. What our Divine Creator bestowed upon us in the Garden of Eden has time and time again proven to be our greatest downfall. It happened there with a choice and has happened hundreds of thousands of times through mans history. It happened in heaven when Lucifer, among the most high angels, chose to try to put himself above God. He and his legions were cast out to earth. Why? Because they're free will was in disobedience and dishonor and threatened the perfect desires of God for him. Ahh now you're probably wondering how a supposed Christian like me can be building a case for flawed logic on God's part? Not hardly. God's logic is perfect because even in our fallen nature it is our free will that gives God his greatest pleasure. What you say, am I losing it? How can so much chosen heartbreak, loss of life, catastrophe and atrocity in our world be good in any way? It's not of course. But it is reality and will continue to be, but not for long.
Let me explain. The one attitude that God desires us to have more than anything else is love. Love for Him, our fellow man be he enemy or ally, our self and most of all for Christ. It is love that is selfless. It is love that rebuilds the broken. It is love that creates new out of old and useless. It is love that conquers all. Everything that Jesus spoke and taught about in his 33 years here was wrapped around the perfect exercise of your free will to love or not. You see God created us to have a very dynamic and personal relationship with Him by choice not by mandate. He doesn't want robots. He wants children in a beloved relationship with Him by choice. Because it's when we choose to love that our love is complete. We experience a fullness because our hearts and minds are in perfect unison with our Heavenly Father's will for us. It is when we honor Him with our absolute devotion then we will not cross His moral absolutes he set up for us. Thus the benefit of free will. It is only our free will that gives us this privilege. Jesus spoke about love 180 times in the New Testament. It was referred to over 130 times in the Old Testament. It is repeated over and over again in the Ten Commandments. Absolute love by choice is the conquering force to the evil that is in the opposition to our design. God knows that in us is this unique ability to love and hate like no other creation or species designed by Him. Jesus hung on the cross for just that reason. He loves us that much! He came to earth in the flesh to experience our heartache, turmoil and pain. But He came to plead to us to change our hearts and ways then to die for our bad choices and overcome the world with His unselfish love. He did so unlike anybody before or since, or ever will. You see even the simple act of the cross compels us to use our free will. We must use it. To choose Him or not. Either He is who He says He is , the author and finisher of our faith or He is not. We cannot escape the choice. Even not choosing Him is a choice itself. But the way the world is going is powerful evidence to the opposite exercise of our free will. We could make such a difference in our world by choosing to love instead of hate. In the midst of all the sadness there are many stories of triumph and love. Victory is ours and with it, the love of our Savior too. You just have to choose. This is the single most important choice of your free will you will make. I pray that you make the right choice! But don't wait, for as misery and heartache increases God's patience decreases. Give your heart to Him today.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; {20} "that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."
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