Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Aging Gracefully.

As we are getting ready for our upcoming move, many boxes are being packed and labeled.  Either they are for storage, our moving sale, going to the new place or just being given away, I am finding many reminders of this full life of ours.  There are old books, mementos, trophies of past accomplishments, nicknacks galore, too many clothes and countless items that make me scratch my head as to why we would possibly keep them!  But it is a time capsule and one that reminds you each time you wrap something or place it in a box as it brings back a flood of memories.  Now, mind you this is not going to be an essay on the amount of stuff we have or a pilot episode for the show Hoarders but rather a reflection on the gift of our time here.  Here, as in earth not Cameron WI.  You see as we pack up we are essentially marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another in our lives.   We are moving along life's highway and we are marking time.  This was brought to my attention rather abruptly when I found the picture boxes.  That's right, the evidence!  A testimony of events and occasions which mark the lives of Melissa and I and the kids right there in living color and some black and white for those of you who remember those days.  There are lot's of me, her, them (the kids), us, bad hair, great hair, outrageous fashion, birthdays, holidays, everydays, etc.  Every emotion and event captured so purely as to bring a smile or a chuckle instantly.  Sometimes mustering up a tear or sigh too.  All the while silently testifying to the years going by as we are getting older.  I seem to get lost in them.  Reminiscing and wondering where did the time go?  But as I pour over the stacks of photos, I come to the conclusion that there is a theme to this vast sea of memories.  There is a wonderful benevolence that presides over my life with these people called my family.  That as I age, I am finally doing so gracefully.
   Not grace as defined by our world's definition.  That would be superficial or physical grace.  Not that physical grace isn't important.  We are to keep our temples healthy so our King may indwell in us.  I'm talking about real grace.  The word is derived from the Greek word charis which means to "have favor and goodwill" or to a secondary extent "to rejoice."  It is spoken about 156 times in the New Testament.  Our Heavenly Father lavishes us with grace in the gift of His Son Jesus through His life, death and resurrection.  His forgiveness and mercies which are new every morning are fervent reminders of such grace.  We are commanded to give grace and give it generously.    That is what the Lord means by aging gracefully.  That as we get older to exhibit the traits that define His existence in our hearts.  I know of nobody who calls themselves a Christian that does not have an ample supply of this most noble of attributes.  I see it in my wife every day.  I talk about it most reverently with our children.  I try to live it myself.  As my hair grays and my wrinkles come upon my face, I can dye the hair and remove those lines.  If I gain weight, I can lose it.  I can tuck, trim, whiten, brighten, tan and workout all to the mirror's glory.  But if I lose my grace what good will I be.  Jesus said that the Pharisees were like white washed tombs.  All pure and glorious on the outside but full of nothing but dead man's bones on the inside!   Do yourself a favor, age gracefully.  Give more of yourself to others in the way of love, mercy and encouragement.  You will see that as you clean the inside of your temple the outside will shine brighter than ever!   Others will notice and when they ask you what your secret is tell them that aging gracefully is easy.  Just start on the inside first!

Hebrews 12:15   See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled.

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