The horrible and senseless shooting that took place at a movie theatre early this past morning in Aurora Colorado is nothing short of breathtakingly tragic. Innocent people went out to be entertained and thrilled for a few hours just getting away from the daily grind of our world and twelve people never came home and dozens more are either fighting for their lives or in various stages of trauma at hospitals all over the area. The shocking violence and callous disregard for human life by this surely disturbed young man shakes us all to our very soul. We are left wondering where is there a safe place for people to go anymore? Surely the deja vu for Colorado is unwelcome respite as they are still dealing with the psychological and emotional damage of Columbine in 1999. Emotions are raw to say the least and the grief for the families of all the victims is seemingly unquenchable at this point. Not to mention the anger that is and will be directed at the alleged shooter and his family for the rest of their lives. But this unfortunate sad story will be played out thousands of times in the days and weeks to come. Our often perverse sense of the macabre and tragic will have many glued to the news to stay abreast of this story and the upcoming judicial proceedings against this young man. That will take care of itself and you don't need me to fill you in on any details. I, instead am here to talk about the other side of this tragedy. One who's implication does more damage to people in the long run and unlike this event can alter both theirs and your lives long after this story fades from national relevance. Where was God?
I know. I've asked that question myself when tragedy strikes and my heart has been torn in two. When the finality of a loved one's death comes and they are instantly and unbelievably taken from us. When you can't see God through your veil of tears. I can only empathize with the families of these victims and their loss but I do understand their emotional state completely. You see you can't be a real believer without having your faith shaken and tested. You simply can't understand the pain until you've experienced it yourself. We all will at some point and I am here to tell you, God knows your pain and weeps with you too. Believe it or not He was there in that movie theatre too. Now, I know what some of you are thinking. If He was there Rick how come He didn't prevent the loss of those innocent people? Why didn't He strike that gunmen down? Both are very good questions and deserve serious answers to them. I don't know myself why God chooses to or not to intervene in our physical world. He is as mysterious as He is loving but His omnipotence is not for me to debate. This is what often separates the belief in a Holy Sovereign God and skepticism that shatters the hope of faith in others. I will do my best to give you what I believe is an answer that will help you to enhance His existence and Lordship. It rests on the concept of free will. Many secular people refer to this trait of ours as our conscious. Christians call it the Holy Spirit. Both refer to the same albeit by different names. Our conscious is that little voice and the Holy Spirit is the Lord in the spirit form guiding us. They either acknowledge our right choices or rebuke us in our wrong one's. Call it what you may, but it very rarely will interfere with your decision to go ahead and defy it's urgings. You see, God made us in His image to love Him first and each other too. Our free will and ability to reason separates us from all other life forms on this planet and that is not an evolutionary trait. It is ingrained in us by His divine hand so that our defined choice of accepting and loving Jesus Christ assures Him of our loyal servitude, faith and moral behavior. We are not robots and our own actions are both tragic and costly by our fallen rebellious nature at times like this shooting. But can be heroic, unselfish and complete in their love and sacrifice too. It is in the latter that we emulate Christ and His intention for us. God wants us to love Him as He loved us. He has very rarely spared us fromtimes of sorrow but that is for our eternal preparation as well. Remember, it was He who gave His only begotten Son for us watched Him die on that cross and must have wept an ocean's worth of tears.
But there was joy in heaven at the resurrection and there will be joy in heaven for the faithfully departed here too. Life is fragile at best and often too short and violently unfair. God gives us all a choice and doesn't promise us anymore tomorrows. Won't you choose today to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? I urge you to protect and sanctify yourselves so that you are assured of an eternal reunion and joy unspeakable that will shatter the tombstones in today's cemeteries and bring peace to a broken heart. By the way, you will hear stories of heroism and bravery and miracles out of this tragedy in the upcoming days and weeks. You will see, God was there after all.
REV 21:4
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."
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