Happy 4th of July to everybody! As most of you know the Paulette Family Chronicles are now settled in out west in beautiful Graeagle California. Birthplace to our five children and up in the spectacular Sierra Nevada mountains. Tall pines, sunshine, sparkling lakes and no humidity! Sorry about that last dig folks. We have closed our chapter in Wisconsin after 18 years and now await God's move for us to begin His work once again. It is all at once a relief, refreshing and somewhat daunting as few people ever think they would have to start over again in their 50's but God is faithful. Anyways, as you get ready to celebrate today with your friends and family take a few moments outside of bbq's, fireworks, picnics and other activities to recommit yourselves to some prayer time for our great nation. As you watch your family and friends laugh and smile today, remember that this is not just another holiday. It's the Holiday for this country.
On this day in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed by extraordinary and brave men who pledged their lives to the birth of this country. In doing so they laid the framework for the greatest, most free, and democratic nation the world has ever seen. God's divine hand rested on this country as He alone saw the vision for this nation to be the landing point for all people's of all races to come together under Him and live free, abundant and honorable lives. We have had unparalleled dignity and human rights protection. Unequaled opportunity for success. Freedom to worship without public criticism and government intrusion. Freedom of speech without censorship, although the lengths of this liberty have been abused to vilest of proportions. All these God blessed and gifted freedoms and privileges are now more so than ever at perilous risk of disappearing. We have mismanaged, misgoverned, abused and stepped on the supreme efforts of our Founding Fathers and God's divine blessings for our nation. We quite frankly are too divided, too angry, too polarized and teetering on financial disaster. All of which we, yes we, allowed and brought upon ourselves. Our own misbegotten apathy and complacency have brought us to this point. Now, that's all the coarse reminding I'm going to do, because I can't even read my own words without bristling myself at my lack of cognitive effort to do more.
So instead of of putting an damper on your day and I profusely apologize for my somewhat morose rant, pick up your flag and wave it. We still have time! God wants to bless us again! Take sometime today in your hectic schedule to slip away and thank Him for preserving us this far. Ask God to renew your commitment to faith, family, and country once again. He and He alone can reverse the damage but it starts with our own individual hearts. Seek Him today for sweeping change in you, your family, communities and our country. After all a raging wildfire starts only as a spark! We can restore and reinvigorate this great country but only by His hand. So remember to pray, repent and seek His power to turn us around, one red, white and blue heart at a time! God Bless America and all of you too!
Psalm 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he has chosen
for his own inheritance.
Happy Birthday to you Rick! God bless you and yours on the new journey. Much love .... M, B, N & K