Funny thing about my daily devotional time in the morning. It tends to soothe rather quickly the uneasiness of the upcoming days worries and duties. There is always encouragement in the Word and through prayer time. It's almost as if the day's business is complete before it even begins. Why is this so? I believe it's because I've learned over the years that true peace comes from within first. It's not an external benefit. You can't purchase it through a great job, stellar financial planning, great health or material possessions. Those are just comfort food. You know feel good stuff for the moment. As the moment passes you end up yearning for more instead of being content with what you have. I see a lot of that uneasiness in the world today. Certainly on the physical stage of the planet today peace is not breaking out all over the place. There are numerous conflicts threatening the sovereignty of nations and even continents. At any given time there are well over one hundred regional conflicts going on around the world. Whether it be financial, territorial, religious or political, war and strife has become the norm and prosperity and peace has become the rarity. Why do we always seem to spinning out of control? Why can't we all just get along? Why are we often calloused to or apathetic to all the pain and misery? I believe it's because inside most of us whirls our own storms.
Over the centuries and throughout history wars have been fought and millions have died for the cause of peace. But whose peace? Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism? Mohammed, Confucius, Gandhi or Jesus? Blood has spilled and is still being spilled in the name of peace fronted by the banner of some of these great movements today. So which one has credibility? Which great prophet or savior is true and real? Certainly, all of these men have existed. All of them have been written about, researched, discussed and taught in universities, churches, synagogues and seat's of government. Millions of people and whole nations are hedging their collective futures and eternal destinies on the bold promises of such men. Ahh, but therein lies the difference. All but one of these great men are just that, men. They are separated by one unequivocal historical fact. The bones of Mohammed, Confucius, Gandhi and any other men of peace are entombed here on earth. Only one, Who spoke of true peace has not been located anywhere on earth. Many have tried and still do. Outlandish claims are made. Still no bones! Find the bones of Jesus Christ and you discredit the entire Holy Bible and all of Christianity in one big giant swipe! But there are none. Because Jesus is gone. He has gone to prepare His Kingdom for everlasting peace. He is and remains to this today the one true Son of the Most High God and his life and death and resurrection stand as the exception to and replacement of all man's turmoil, failings and sin. He and He alone reigns, gives life, and true peace to all of us. Jesus said " My peace I give to you, not as the world gives." Real peace, spiritual, soulful, inner peace. My human condition fallen and filthy, replaced by purity and forgiveness. Given to me and you by the Prince Of Peace. Only One came to live then die for you. No other has or will ever. He is coming soon to reclaim His Kingdom this time as judge and king not savior. Peace if we are to find it begins with us. It is a wholesale transformation spiritually by laying down our carnal thoughts and lives and accepting the transforming blood of Jesus Christ to reign in our hearts. I encourage you to be over comers of the condition you are struggling with. Calm the inner storms. Jesus also said, "I stand at the door and knock, if any man here my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with me." Find your peace, accept this gift of salvation and life and watch the impact you will have. Peace is contagious and I don't know of anybody who doesn't welcome it's spread!
John 16:33
These things I have spoken to you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
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