Israel is the only true democracy in the entire Middle East. It has a population of 7.5 million people and that includes 1.4 million Arabs. All Arabs have full citizenship rights including voting, working, education, housing and religious worship. No Arab country gives such reciprocal privileges to Israelis. Jewish scholars and scientists have won over 22% of the Nobel Peace Prizes, the largest margin by any demographic across the earth. They are preeminent world leaders in chemistry, physics, engineering and technology. The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) has been in six major wars since 1948 and won them all. No other nation in the history of the world has been under such constant duress. It is the seat of the worlds 3 major religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It is surrounded by 110 million Arabs and has been under constant attack and persecution for over 4,000 years. No other people on the face of the earth have faced a consistent and mass extermination effort such as these. They live under constant threat and attack and yet have survived. The history and future of this nation and it's struggles have been accurately portrayed, historically proven and prophesied about in the Holy Bible. All of them are true. Are all these facts mere coincidences? Just dumb luck or happenstance? Why you may ask? Because they are under a divine unbreakable covenant from Almighty God through His promise to Abraham. Which is why we need to support their sovereign right to existence and freedom. Their survival is crucial to God's plan of intervention in our fallen world. Jesus Christ when He comes to reign for a thousand years will be seated and govern from Jerusalem. Not Washington D.C., not the Vatican in Rome Italy, not the U.N. but Jerusalem. Where it all began it will end and begin again in an age of glorious rebirth under the Lordship of Christ the King!
A Jewish officer during the struggle for the rebirth of the nation of Israel in 1948 and the 1967 Six Day War was asked about why the Jewish people apparently cannot be defeated. He said, "Other nations fight for their borders, resources or political beliefs, we fight for our very existence!" That they have. Jesus Christ is a Jew. He comes from the direct line of Abraham through the seed of King David from the tribe of Judah. His life, ministry, death and resurrection along with His royal claim to authority is unlike that of any other religious figure in history or ever will be. He is the one true and only King of Kings. God's first covenant was made with the Jewish people. The second covenant was the blood covenant of Jesus Christ to offer salvation to all people outside of the Jewish nation. We are all inevitably wrapped together under this divine series of preordained events. It's best if we not only recognize Israel's right to exist but support them enthusiastically. For to not do so would defy the will of our Almighty Creator and for that insolence we would pay a very dear price.
“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:2-3)
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