Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bring Back 9/11!

 That's right I said it.  Bring back 9/11!  We need it desperately.  We need the entire emotional jarring and soul stirring, thought provoking, action taking experience again, and we need it now.  But before you all come to the conclusion I am certifiable, hear me out.  First of all, I am not talking about the horrific events that changed our country forever that clear fall day.  We don't need to relive the indelible images of that tragedy and the death of so many people.  Certainly not the rivers of tears in our collective grief for the families of the victims and the subsequent wars that sprang forth from that day.  Not the death of thousands of brave American service people since then in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Not the clear partisan divisions that are defining and paralyzing our country from both economic and governmental positions.  No, not any of these!  I am talking about the aftermath of that historic and tragic event.  The aftermath that took place across our great country in the days and weeks that followed.
  Never before in my lifetime had I witnessed all Americans uniting together in anger, grief, resolve, cooperation, action, spirit and most of all prayer.  We had seen our way of life brutally and irretrievably violated.  Our shining city on a hill was tarnished and teetering.  Our armor had been pierced and our collective consciousness wounded.  But we withstood the onslaught and united in an all too brief display of American patriotism.  For weeks there were American flags flying everywhere and people noticed them all.  They talked to neighbors they hadn't before.  Prayed openly in public squares and meeting places.  Offered help and charity that became rivers of blessing to others.  We were unified without prejudice to color, ethnicity, religion, political persuasion or stature.  We were all God fearing American's and we acted like it.  The sense of national pride was everywhere and for awhile it seemed that we were turning a corner for good albeit out of unspeakable violence, but it was real!  So where did it go?  All the goodwill and efforts made to unify our nation have faded into more disarray then ever.  As we get ready to mark the 10th anniversary of that day, we are soberly reminded that we American's have limits.  Or better yet we humans have limits.  You see it doesn't take a PhD to observe that goodwill and good intentions will run out of gas after a while without proper maintenance.  That without a collective mindset to honor those commitments to excellence the erosion is inevitable.  Why you may ask?  Because we live in complete separation.  We have simply walked away from the ordained destiny for our country created by yes folks, God Himself.
  It is God who created laws for a fallen man to live under, obey and prosper.  It is God who gives us life and the world we live in.  It is God who has witnessed this wholesale insurrection of His beloved people and still shows mercy and grace to us all.  It is God who sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for yours and my sin, in spite of the fact we didn't deserve it.  It is God who gives us our greatest asset or liability, freewill.   Look around us today.  This is not the result God had intended.  We are more separated, angry, disillusioned and self destructive then ever.  We are at the abyss and time is running out!   God is not infinitely patient.  He is holy, righteous and will judge us all accordingly.  As we spin out of control and America and the world descends into anarchy and chaos it should be noted that a secular and anitichristian bias is on the rise.  The events unfolding before us are the result of our increasingly hostile attitude and affront to our Heavenly Father and our ability to honor and worship Him.   At the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. and New York city this week there are a series of events scheduled to honor 9/11.  Not one of those scheduled events has included any Evangelical Christians to speak or pray publicly.  Are you kidding me?  Leave out the core of American religion and values?  Hindu, Muslim and Jewish faiths are represented but not Christian?  Were not Christians and their families killed and affected by this tragedy too?  Are we not part of America?  We represent the largest faith group in this country and we are continually being pushed aside and rebuked.  It is a mockery of America and it's foundations and we are letting it happen more and more.  If we are wondering why we are not seeing God's blessing hand upon us we need look no further than our own foolish political, social and governmental folly.  We will not be allowed to traverse down this path much longer as God has His limits set.  If we want to see our country rise again then we must drop to our knees first!  God still loves you and I.  He wants to restore harmony, peace and prosperity to our nation.  But it will be on His terms not ours.  I made my decision to sede my power and authority to Him.  I found out long ago that my thoughts and actions are too selfish for common good.  So I gave Him my heart.  You would be wise to do so too.  After all you can see the alternative around you.  Or as Herman Cain, Republican candidate for president said recently, "How's that working out for you?"

Ephesians 1:10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:

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