There is an eerie malaise sweeping across and overwhelming America. One that doesn't cause concern with most of us immediately or even seem to affect our daily lives, but it's festering and spreading like an aggressive cancer that will eventually kill it's victim. It's called silence, and it's turning out to be deadly to us. Everywhere that it exists it's opposition flourishes like weeds in a roadside ditch. Since God and the Holy Bible have existed and humanity has been around, there has always been the struggle between good and evil. Triumph and tragedy, victory and defeat, life and death, they all coexist because we can't have one without the other. The stories of good triumphing over bad have given us hope, courage, and new beginnings. There has always been a light at the end of the tunnel and a sun to come up on a new day. But at this moment in time things are changing and darkness is enveloping us.
Whether you know it or not the voices of wrong are not out numbering the voices of good, but instead they are out shouting, out working and out changing our country. Some people call it long overdue progress, or social justice. Others say it's just our ever evolving enlightened society. I call it a reshaping of Morality. It is a large and hardly innocuous seismic event that is breaking apart our country and we must choose to engage or be run over. Whether you are Democrat, Republican or Independent, white, black, Asian, Hispanic or Indian it doesn't matter. Child or adult, rich or poor, it doesn't matter. It has infected us all! We have become so self absorbed and narcissistic, so withdrawn from the concerns of our fellow man that chronic apathy has saturated our lives and turned us into foolish cartoon like caricatures of what were designed to be. Truth be told, not enough of us care! The war of propaganda and governance being waged today is so slanted and biased that it is changing everything from the making and enforcing of laws, to reinterpreting or changing on the fly current laws, that there is no room for the scales of justice to work equally. Respect and obedience to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are under constant assault! Courts and judicial benches are interpreting laws for political gain. Contrary to what you may be thinking, this is not a right or left argument. It's a wrong or right argument! If we are not willing to speak up, get involved, take a stand, or care enough to even vote why should we complain? Americans have always stepped up when called upon or compelled by their beliefs to do so. If courageous African Americans like the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks didn't speak up the civil rights movement might not have happened. If America hadn't gotten involved in World War II then how many more innocent people would have died and how many more Jews would have been killed? If pro-life volunteers don't show up at abortion clinics and protest, how many more babies would be killed or young mothers traumatized? Finally, if God hadn't loved us and sent His only Son to die for us what hope would we have? I could go on and on. The fact is we need to battle for what we believe in! We need to speak up and fight for our country. This not about you but us, our children and grand children! What are they inheriting? Look at the list of goodies. Chronic long term job loss, higher and higher tax burdens, unsustainable debt, lower moral relevancy and increased decay, distrust in government, Christian persecution, traditional God given institutional change, decaying personal rights and freedoms. Shall I continue? And where is the church in all this? That in itself is a sad discussion for another day. Whether you like it or don't like it, agree or disagree, these shifts are occurring. A recent poll was taken and asked Americans if they thought their children were better off being born now or 50 years ago. Overwhelmingly the poll indicated 50 years ago. Hmm... I wonder what America was like then?
I for one am willing to forsake anything and everything in my life to wage the good fight! Melissa and I have been immensely blessed in our lives and we have the five greatest children God could give us! So we are and will continue to speak up. Because I would rather be respected than admired, and leave something better than something worse behind when God calls me home. We owe it to ourselves, our children and our country! Because if America's light goes out, so then goes the worlds! The time is now and the stakes couldn't be higher.
Ephesians 4:25
Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the
truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.
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