I was reading my news reports today and one of my websites was reporting on a rather ominous anniversary. This one often flies under the radar because of the polarizing feelings and heated emotional battles it causes just in the mention of it's name. That along with the liberal bias in most of the American media, methodically works to sweep it under the carpet. Forty one years ago today seven supreme court justices decided to legalize the practice of abortions in the USA, via the landmark Roe vs.Wade case. Now I know that some of you may be cringing at the mere mention of this case and it's historic implications, but the staggering amount of aborted children senselessly murdered, that's right I said murdered, in the USA each year has averaged 1,375,000 unimaginable acts of infanticide. Most legal, all shameful and incredibly barbaric. To give you an idea of the amount of loss, that equates to over 166,000 more deaths each year than the total of 1,209,000 brave American military men and women who have lost their lives in all the wars in the history of this nation up to this point. We eclipse that on a an annual basis and you almost never hear about it! It's not until the most egregious and horrific cases come to light, such as the Dr. Gosnell case in Philadelphia last year that you would ever be privy to the horror. But in essence, is there any difference when it comes to the inhumane procedure whether it's performed in the best of medical conditions with the most accommodating of doctors and pristine clinical atmospheres or in a filthy and sordid clinic in West Philadelphia? The results are startlingly the same. A child, an innocent child dies.
There are no small white caskets, or grieving family members, or touching church eulogies with pictures and stories of a life tragically cut short. Just a bag labeled medical waste and a trash bin as the final resting place for someone who will never have a name, or mother and father to raise and love them. I am passionate about this subject because as a father of five beautiful children, the lives of my wife and I have been equal parts blessed and enriched by the greatest gift our loving God gives us , life! We simply could not imagine our lives without our children and the joy and light they bring to us and the world they interact in each day. According to a lengthy study in the British Journal of Psychiatry, 85% of women suffer from serious or periodic episodes of depression, regret and overwhelming sadness after abortion procedures. Not to mention the guilt associated with the dis- attachment from the life they carried inside of them. I respect all political views of reasonable adults, friends and family but do not always agree with them, but this subject I have zero tolerance for! You simply cannot convince me that this abhorrent practice honors anything that God has intended for us! Nowhere in scripture does it regard the sanctity of human life with such callous disregard. It is a crime we are already under indictment for. The most serious kind of indictment, God's! A few years back I was having a lively discussion with a family member at Christmas regarding politics and namely a woman's right to choose. This particular relative is pro choice. To make a long story short they were going on about how unfair it is to intrude on a woman's personal choices regarding their bodies. I looked at this person and said, "Aren't you glad your mom wasn't pro choice?" Dead silence engulfed the table and a look of conviction rushed over her face and the subject was abruptly changed. Point made I thought to myself. Another opponent to my position said to me, "If your God is so merciful how come there's no cure for cancer or other crippling and fatal diseases, or peace in our world, or people are allowed to starve to death? I simply said, "How do you know that the doctor who finds the cure for cancer, or the next great president, or scientist who solves world food shortages, was one of the aborted children never given a chance to use their God given destiny and talents?" Maybe God had them ready to enter into this world and we so selfishly decided their life wasn't worth it or precious enough. I won't go on without stating that I do sincerely empathize and feel for women who have contemplated this life altering act. Or to pretend to know the circumstances in their lives. There are many post abortive ministriestoday that effectively help women to regain their lives and seek forgiveness from the Lord for the oppressive guilt that they carry. Thank God our Lord is merciful and there is healing for them and their lives! But that doesn't excuse the cruel fate that awaits a child who is innocent our our irresponsible choices. They did nothing! Right now in America, we are not having enough children to replace and reestablish generations of future workers and citizen's to keep this economy and country going, both economically and socially. We are in essence depleting our species by both refusing to have children or aborting them. I urge you to reeducate yourselves on this heartbreaking tragedy before we are too late. God will not be mocked and our children deserve to know that the safest place they have when God releases them to our earthly stewardship is in their mother's womb. Pray for the unborn and the mother's who carry them! Hold the father's feet to the fire of honor and responsibility. Let's all reach out to show compassion to help those women in need and restore the utmost in regard for the most innocent of us.
Psalm 139: 13-16
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's
womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful
are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from
you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths
of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were
written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as
yet there was none of them.
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