Wow, does time ever sure fly by! It seemed like just yesterday we were arriving here in California for our working vacation and epic summer of fun. If there was a family that needed to get away for a bit it was us. As many of you know the past several years have been very trying emotionally for our beleaguered bunch, but our God is an awesome God and through the valleys we've come, stronger both emotionally and spiritually. But it is time to leave our second home to return for a time to our first home, the midwest. For my wife especially the visit has been somewhat bittersweet. Her reunion albeit brief this summer has been full of laughs, stories, hugs and a few tears. Now, she is leaving her beloved mom and dad, sisters, cousins and many lifelong friends. That is never easy to do, as like my own immediate family they are very close. Couple that with the sudden loss of both my parents the past fifteen months reinforcing the sad fragility of life, and she realizes that a goodbye this time could be her last with loved ones especially her mom and dad.
Both Melissa and I realize that with each passing day the yesterdays add up and the tomorrows lessen a bit. This sensitivity to our own mortality makes this summer and the time we have spent here especially precious to us. For me the time spent with two of our daughters Alicia and Rebecca has been priceless. No longer small children scampering around but beautiful and gifted young women with their own designs on the world and their lives. Our time together up at the lakes this summer or out to dinner or watching the sun set over the mountains has been to a word fulfilling. The generosity of my sister in law Jennifer and her husband Jeff to open up their home to us these past four months will not be forgotten. I have enjoyed my time reconnecting with them and helping my sister in law at the golf course this season. Our nieces and nephews have grown up with absolutely gorgeous families of their own. My inlaws Joan and Ole both show the change in years physically but their zest for life and boundless love has not diminished. They are and continue to be treasures indeed. The world and certainly we will be a sadder place when God eventually calls them home. But we leave them with God's infinite protection and holy seal upon them all.
Finally, we leave the beloved mountains of NE California and their awe inspiring beauty. So many good friends welcomed us back to their version of "God's Country" when we arrived earlier this summer. I was quick to remind them all that NW Wisconsin is also God's country in spite of the Packers! lol All of you need and should see this divinely beautiful area of California and visit Lake Tahoe once, you will never forget it! So, it's off to Chicago on the next stop for God's Express. We are excited and anxious all at once but know that the adventure continues. To all my brothers and sisters we'll see you soon. To our children, well, we can't wait to spend the upcoming Christmas season with you all! So goodbye for now to our California family. Parting is never easy but the solace is in the sweet memories and anticipated reunions. God Bless you all richly. Next stop the Windy City!
John 14.1-7
Jesus said to his disciples, "Don't be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in me. There are many rooms in my Father's house. I wouldn't tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me. Then we will be together. You know the way to where I am going." Thomas said, "Lord, we don't even know where you are going! How can we know the way?"
"I am the way, the truth, and the life!" Jesus answered. "Without me, no one can go to the Father. If you had known me, you would have known the Father. But from now on, you do know him, and you have seen him."
So beutiful and well put, John 14 1-7 is one of my favorite verses. I grew up in Greendale, WI. Finding your story was an accident most likely intended. Thank you for posting this! Kind of like getting a hug when it's needed and noone around.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you and your entire family!