Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's Not Politics As Usual!

The Bible says that "A house divided against itself will not stand."  Truer words could not have been spoken in regards to the current climate that is dividing us as a world, a nation, states, families or individuals. It seems everywhere you turn, there is conflict and yesterday was a doozy of one here in good old fashioned lovable friendly Wisconsin.  In case you haven't heard by now, I'm talking about the fierce recall election of our governor, Scott Walker against Mayor Tom Barrett.   It's been front page news for the past eighteen months and yesterday's results, governor Walker winning, will hardly quell the bitter discontent of the people of this once tranquil and unified state.   What only used to rankle the friendly citizens of this former dairyland utopia was an assault on the sacred colors of green and gold every fall Sunday, has now changed into a harshly divided citizenry into partisan red and blue on a daily basis.  Families are fighting, schoolrooms have become indoctrinating podiums for educators with opinions other than course obligations, and local and state government function is poisoned and partisan.  Coffee shops, pulpits, PTA meetings, offices and living rooms have been touched with the raw emotion of this conflict that is eating away at the collective spirits of goodwill and cooperation.  Differing opinions are no longer looked at or accepted as credible or reasonable.  We are all extremists no matter what we say or believe.  This is a dangerous place to be as a people in this state and more so as a rapidly declining once great nation.
   I am a conservative Christian man and I support Governor Walker.  But before some of you wish me to burn at the stake let me explain what I believe is the problem here.  I am a staunch believer in our political system and live in a family where many of my relatives and even in my surrounding friendships have differing opinions and beliefs.  I respect them for their genuine beliefs and their willingness to stand up for those beliefs with absolute conviction.  That does not mean I support them or necessarily even like their positions, but I always respect them and give them an ear and place at the table to talk.  Reasonable discussion with heartfelt truth and passionate debate always gives me encouragement that differences between people could be solved.  That we could always come to an amenable solution that all parties could live with.  I don't necessarily think that as much anymore because our anger is manifesting itself outwardly and controlling our emotions and worse yet our tongues, which inflict the greatest damage.  Now, I have my opinions about this election and here is my main one and that will be as far as I go on this.  I did not jump up and down and call for Gov Doyle's recall after eight years in office and a state deficit of $3.6 billion dollars and record high property taxes had accumulated.  Whether I agreed or not with his policies or his ability to govern, he was duly elected by a majority and should be allowed to serve out his terms, which he did.  He, to my knowledge did nothing illegal or unethical that would justify a recall of the citizens of this state.  He passed legislation with the help of the legislature and signed into law things I did  not agree with.  I did not call for his head!  That is politics my friends.  If you don't like 'em, when the proper time comes, vote 'em out, period.  You can argue all day long about the legality of Governor Walker's legislation or the process taken to pass it but both sides are equally adept at partisan manipulation of the legislative process.  Governor Walker was exonerated according to the State Supreme Court and did nothing illegal.  The first recall election was ridiculous last year and this one was even more so.  The only result has been frayed nerves, raw emotions and division, spurned on by lot's of money from various political groups with farther reaching agendas.  The problem is not Republican or Democrat, it's an absence of reasonable cooperation and moral obligation to do what's right overall for the majority of the constituents.  Too many politicians are serving self instead of us and the infection is spreading and the corruptions of hearts and minds lies at the altar of money.  We must gather back our senses to a right mindset and mend fences.  The enemy is not us folks, it's what pulls at the hearts within us.  Our moral absolution, principles and honorable respect for each other is based upon our walk or lack of with Christ.  Respect and love of the Lord goes a long way towards the same to our fellow man.  We have all heard the Golden Rule haven't we?  Jesus Christ reserved His harshest criticisms for the keepers and makers of the law.  Because He knew the deceit within them and the intent of their hearts was not to serve God or their fellow man.  That is where we are.  To fix what's broke needs to get done soon.   We need to swallow our pride and ask God for forgiveness of our transgressions against our fellow man.  Get our hearts right and the mind and tongue will follow in obedient and joyful order.  November is coming soon and so is the cliff!

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God."
Romans 13:1

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