Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Making and Baking of Smiles!

Merry Christmas everybody!  Sorry I was gone so long but I had to finish up some online schooling in my ongoing metamorphosis to reinvent myself in middle age, but I muddled through.  Anyways, in doing so I have gotten behind in my annual Christmas culinary mad professor hijinks.  But I have already retreated into the lab to pour over my recipes and come up with this years list of the six cookies to satisfy the sweet tooth, warm the soul and put everybody into a winter long sugar coma!  When I finish writing this it's off to prepare, tweak, modify, bake, observe, smell and of course taste in my opinion the essence of Christmas, the love of homemade food, treats and family fellowship in this season of the Greatest Gift ever given.   I don't know, maybe it's me but getting older seems to make me more sentimental and old fashioned.  Give me a warm kitchen, a Frank Sinatra Christmas album, family and friends to visit with and I am overflowing in my happiness quota.  I don't long to see mother's brawling in the aisles at the local Walmart fighting over the newest gothic Barbie Doll or igadget as I am convinced that venturing into department stores at this time of year is a sure fire way to suck the joy out of Christmas. 
  But back to the important stuff.  I will spend the better part of next few days feverishly baking and packing up plates of cookies, helping my wife assemble baskets of jams, breads and ornaments and enjoying every minute of it.  Because this is why, giving.   That's right giving.  There is no greater motivating factor for Melissa and I then to see the joy of family, friends and even stranger's faces light up when you bring them a gift.  But not just any gift.  You can buy a watch or clothes or give a gift card and that's all good.  But nothing conveys love and care as much as homemade goods.  Whether it be my late grandmother's crocheted winter hats, a good friends cheesecake or cookie platter, or my son in laws venison sausage it's the fact that they spent so much of their time putting effort into this true gift of the heart that elevates the value past anything with a label or tag on it.   Yes, it's usually gone quickly or we tend to hide and hoard these valuable treasures for ourselves so we can bask in the lingering effects of their goodness as long as possible.  Either way,  I find myself asking my wife if we will be getting any of these each year as if to ensure myself of my happiness fix.  Shallow really, but I am all about the treats at this point!  I guess they tie me to the simple basic emotions that make this time of year so special.  Love, joy, fellowship and the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Possessions, money and and gadgets come and go but happiness and joy truly touch the soul.  As for the list of the six cookie recipes I am preparing this year, I guess you'll have to stop by to find out!  So pull up a chair, grab some hot chocolate and stay awhile.  Oh, but be sure to have a physician on standby when the levels of sugar and bliss get dangerously high!

2 Corinthians 9:6-7
6Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

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